Michael Ormiston

Michael Ormiston Biography

Michael Ormiston is the UK’s most experienced Mongolian Khöömii (Overtone) Singers, a multi-instrumentalist, composer, inspirational teacher, workshop leader and therapeutic sound practitioner.
He travelled to Mongolia in 1993 to study Khöömii with herdsman and famous expert singer Tserendavaa. During his six visits to Mongolia he also studied with leading singers, Tsengedorj, Ganbold, Gereltsogt and Tsogtbaatar. Michael was given the rare privilege of being blessed to teach Khöömii by Tserendavaa and Gereltsogt which he had been doing internationally for over 25 years.
In 2011, In conjunction with the Embassey of Mongolia and SOAS he organised, lectrured & performed at the inaugural European Mongolian Khöömii Festival in London, UK.
Michael’s Khöömii and overtone/underone singing can be heard on his many CDs, Holywood films, Televison Documentaries, Theatre and dance productions and in concerts with his Khöömii singing partner Candida Valentino.
Michael is a very skillfull, creative and experienced Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowl and Gong player, using them in performance, meditation, therapeutically as well teaching in worshops, small groups or individually
He plays many other instruments including the Morin Khuur (Mongolian two string fiddle) of which he teaches the basic fundamentals.
You can contact Michael at ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com and visit his youtube channel
Please click on the links below to find out more about his work.