Mysterious Tremendum and Gongmaster Don Conreaux

Michael Ormiston
Michael Ormiston
According to Ancient Ceremonial Tradition, Gongmaster Don Conreaux assembles a master group of Shamanic Musicians and Performing Artists who have an ability to improvise intuitively. Our concert presentation is called Mysterious Tremendum, and is inspired by early 20th Century Russian Mystic, Alexander Skriabin, who discovered a “mystic chord” which he believed “Musically Aligns Humanity With The Kingdom Of Nature”. Mysterious Tremendum concerts are a Listener’s Adventure into the Music of Cosmic Resonant Power. The audience simply dissolves into Soundscapes of Pure Resonance and Waves of Synchronous Tones, creating unity of Body, Mind and Spirit.
Michael was invited to play in the first UK incarnation of this as below please email for more information.
Michael Ormiston
Path Of Innocence Volume 1
Mysterious Tremendum Consort 
Gaunts House, Dorset. England

Congmaster Don Conreaux, Randee Ragin, Aidan McIntyre, Frank Perry, Michael Ormiston
Eddy Saver, Raphael Preston, Nathan Saran, Paul Sax, David Eastoe and The Listeners
Instrumentation Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bell Bowls, Conchs, Zither, Gamelan, Violin,