Mongolia 2005

Michael returned to Mongolia at the invitation of his Khöömii teacher as it was the village of Chandman’s’ 80th celebrations.

In Ulaanbaatar he stayed at the flat of his friend Oundra’s brother Borgio. He met up with Tumen Ekh and Ganbold once more as well as going to the Opera!

Ulaanbaatar had changed a lot since his last visit in 2000. Many more buildings being constructed and many more 4 wheel drives.

He met up with Ethomusicologist Dr. Peter Marsh (USA) who introduced him to The Bayar Brothers who were Morin Khuur makers. Peter was researching the Morin Khuur and wrote a great book ‘The Horse-head Fiddle and the Cosmopolitan Reimagination of Tradition in Mongolia‘.

Michael then flew to Khovd and travelled overland to Chandman Sum. In the UK he had met up with Doug King Smith who was gong to be travelling in Mongolia. They arranged to meet up in Khovd City by the Theatre where Michael would take Doug to Tserendavaa for Khöömii lessons.
Amazingly this happened!