Colourscape turku choir

‘Turku Harmonic Choir’ 
at The Colourscape Festival, Turku, Finland 2011

Eye-Music/Colourscape commission Michael Ormiston to create and devise pieces for a ‘Turku Harmonic Choir’ to be performed in the large Colourscape Structure in Turku on Saturday 30th July 2011.
He put a call out to singers, choir leaders and his Finnish throat Singing friends Jari Ilmonen and Sauli Heikkilä. With help of choir master Markus Yli-Jokipii he ran a number of workshops and sessions teaching overtone singing and working with the group to create pieces, mainly with a text score that anyone could perform. The pieces were Toning Variations, Asura Sura, Chord and Frame.
Turku Harmonic Choir for this performance were; Michael Ormiston, Markus Yli-Jokipii, Marja Yli-Jokipii, Tapani Varia, Anne Kankere, Jaana Majatie, Tatu Saarikko, Lila Köngäs-Saarikko, Lauri Mantisaari, Christine Hakkio, Ilmara Pirttilä, Antti Koivumäki, Anna-Maija Ilhander, Tytti Koyola, Tomii Penttinen, Olli Torma,  Jari Ilmonen,  Sauli Heikkilä, Olli Törmä, Hilla Vayrynen, Seela Salatta, Kari Lehti, Pipa Paljakka, Morten Abildsnes, Tua Valve, Nina Westerlund, Merja Valve, Minna Hirvonen, Piritta Maavuori, Markus Havern and Benedict Slotte.