Sound Mountain Tour Mongolia 1997 Khovd and around

In Gov Altai, Enkhe decided that he would return to Ulaanbaatar. There was a real shortage of benzine/petrol, However, we managed to find a driver who would take us to Khovd Town/City. There we met up with Khöömii singer Tsengedorj who was now the director of Khovd Drama Theatre. Tsengedorj, his wife and a few other musicians invited us to join them on a trip to one of the small settlements where they were giving a concert. So we also performed with them and amazingly I was given a sum of 500 tugrugs for performing! We then visited a Kazakh family in Khovd District and travelled to Duut Nuur, Sound Lake giving concerts and staying as guests or camping
Jeff Nathalie Dprjoes wife and family by Buyant Gol
Jeff, Nathalie, Michael and Dorjoe our driver’s wife and family by Buyant Gol
Khovd Sum with a Kazakh Family
We travelled the short distance from Khovd town to Khovd Sum where we visited a Kazakh Family and bought some wall hangings. 
An Urianghai Herdsman playing his Tobvshuur in the Altai on the way to Duut Sum
A Urianghai Herdsman playing his Tobvshuur in the Altai on the way to Duut Sum
An Alta Sacred Tree Bogd Mod by the stream on the way to Duut Sum
An Altai Sacred Tree or Bogd Mod by the stream on the way to Duut Sum
An Altai Mountain Stream on the way to Duut Sum
An Altai Mountain Stream on the way to Duut Sum
Duut Nuur with  flock of birds Duut Sum in the Altai
Duut Nuur with flock of birds swooping over the water,  Duut Sum in the Altai
Duut Nuur Panorama Duut Sum in the Altai
Duut Nuur or Sound/singing lake Panorama in Duut Sum in the Altai. There area produced a wonderful echo and reverb 
Michael and Jeff performing at a Roadside Guanz
Duut Sum in the Altai
Duut Sum outside at the home where we were guests
Oustide the home where we were guests at the edge of town : Duut Sum