Michael and Candida’s current events 2025

Please Click on the image or event title for more details

Qi-Gong classes, developing strength, flexibility of body and steadiness of mind with Candida Valentino

Tuesdays 11am – 12:30pm
Thursdays 11am – 12:30pm
Thursdays 6:30pm- 7:45pm
Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG.
Learn & practice continuous Qigong movements, 18 Shibashi, 8 Brocades, 12 Muscle Tendon Changing classics, fun animal frolics, standing meditations focusing on the elements and sounds for health. Classes for beginners and intermediate. 6 people maximum.
Classes will be outside during fine weather.

Voices from the Heart Concert
Domenic DeCicco, Candida Valentino and Michael Ormiston

7:30pm – 9:30pm Friday 17th Jan 2025
Rosslyn Hill Chapel, 3 Pilgrim’s Place, London NW3 1NG
Booking https://www.tickettailor.com/events/alternatives/1417891

Domenic DeCicco, Candida Valentino and Michael Ormiston welcome you to open your hearts to the healing light of the New Year and to bring joy into your lives. They will share this special moment through the sacred sounds of Native American Flutes, Mongolian Khöömii Overtone Singing, Indian Chakra Shlokas, Heartfelt songs with acoustic guitar, Himalayan Singing Bowls, Mongolian Morin Khuur and invite everyone to celebrate and sing together as One Light, One Heart.

Candida Michael improvise Khoomii and long song at Osh Philharmonie

Mongolian Khöömii Overtone Singing Workshop
led by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

10am to 5pm Saturday March 15th 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG. Times 10am to 5pm
Learn an authentic traditional Mongolian technique.
Listen to your own overtones as you discover the unknown depths and heights of your voice
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

“New Venue” Mongolian Khöömii a cultural perspective by Michael Ormiston

6:15pm to 8pm Tuesday 18th March 2025
At The Nissen Hut, Eastville Park, Bristol. BS5 6QL
This evenings talk will explore the history of Mongolian Khöömii with rare images, film clips, sound recordings using some of the latest research.
Suggested Donation £5
To reserve a place https://buytickets.at/pitchblend/1615850
For more info contact Michael at ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or Neil at pitchblend.gigs@gmail.com

Sonic Retreat Centre Gongs and Singing Bowls

Symphonic Gong/Sound Bath with Singing Bowls and more

4pm to 5:30pm Sunday 23rd March 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG.
Gong/Sound baths envelope you in the warmth of the full spectrum frequencies embodied within its crystalline metallic structure. They immerse the receiver in a deep ocean of resonating sounds enabling the mind to free itself of thoughts, the body of tensions, taking you on a journey from the subtlest strokes of the gong to an orchestra of symphonic proportions.
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Singing bowls workshops

Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowl Workshop
led by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

10:30am to 4:30pm Sunday April 13th 2025
At The Open Ealing Arts Centre, Unit 14, School Lane, Dickens Yard, Ealing London W5 2TD.

This inspirational and informative workshop will be an experiential journey through the amazing sounds of Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls, their history and use in meditation/relaxation, deep listening and Therapeutic practices.
contact ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Singing bowl choir

Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowl Workshop
led by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

10:30am to 5pm Saturday April 19th 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG. Times 10:30am to 5pm
This inspirational and informative workshop will be an experiential journey through the amazing sounds of Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls, their history and use in meditation/relaxation, deep listening and Therapeutic practices.
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Sonic Retreat Centre Gongs and Singing Bowls

Symphonic Gong/Sound Bath with Singing Bowls and more

4pm to 5:30pm Sunday 20th April 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG.
Gong/Sound baths envelope you in the warmth of the full spectrum frequencies embodied within its crystalline metallic structure. They immerse the receiver in a deep ocean of resonating sounds enabling the mind to free itself of thoughts, the body of tensions, taking you on a journey from the subtlest strokes of the gong to an orchestra of symphonic proportions.
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Sonic Retreat Centre Gongs and Singing Bowls

Symphonic Gong/Sound Bath with Singing Bowls and more

4pm to 5:30pm Sunday 4th May 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG.
Gong/Sound baths envelope you in the warmth of the full spectrum frequencies embodied within its crystalline metallic structure. They immerse the receiver in a deep ocean of resonating sounds enabling the mind to free itself of thoughts, the body of tensions, taking you on a journey from the subtlest strokes of the gong to an orchestra of symphonic proportions.
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

An Acoustic Experimental Sound Journey with LIVE ELECTRONICS
with Candida Valentino and Michael Ormiston

7:30pm to 9pm Friday May 9th 2025 (doors 7:15pm)
At The Bennett Centre, Vicarage Street, Frome BA11 1PX

A unique evening from Frome’s most experienced sound journey artists.
The first 60 minutes is a deep immersion of Singing Bowls, Mongolian Overtone/Undertone Singing, Mongolian Horse Head Fiddle, Wind Gongs, Frame drums, Jews-Harps, Conches, Harp Lyre, Thumb Piano, Indian Esraj, Mantra and more with live electronics, looping and fan propelled instruments.
Then everyone is invited to join in a 15 minute celebration of the unifying power of the voice through simple chants, mantras and song.

Tickets £15 Booking : https://wegottickets.com/event/653390

More info please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Symphonic & Wind Gong Workshop
led by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

10:30am to 5pm Saturday May 10th 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG. Times 10:30am to 5pm
Attendees will learn the techniques of making the gongs ring and sing in a relaxed and friendly environment
and have the opportunity to receive and take part in a gong sound massage/meditation.
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Bija Mantra

The Bija Mantra and Mantra Chanting Workshop
led Candida Valentino

10:30am to 5pm Saturday 7th June 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG. Times 10:30am to 5pm
Learn the Bija Mantra seed syllable chanting to balance the Chakra system and
discover your chanting voice with Buddhist and Hindu mantras to take away and share.
learn about how to accompany yourself with the harmonium, shruti box, and tanbura.
Candida’s has trained in leading Kirtan and was awarded a 200 Diploma by UK pioneer Kirtan singer Nikki Slade.
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking

Drumming -Native American–Overtone flutes/Jews-harps/percussion Workshop
led by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

10:30am to 5pm Saturday July 12th 2025
At The Sonic Retreat Centre, Frome, Somerset BA11 3NG. Times 10:30am to 5pm
Learn & experience group drum circles using frame drums.
Discover how to play Native American Flutes, harmonic/overtone flutes, Jews-harps and various percussion instruments.
(Jews-harps and harmonic flutes provided with limited number of frame drums and native flutes).
Only 8 PLACES so please contact us ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com or candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk for informations and booking