Vasti Massage treatments with Candida Valentino

Vasti refers to a ring shaped compartment which is made up of special grains or wheat where medicated oil is stored. In this procedure the vasti is placed on the affected area and warm medicated oil is poured into the ring. Slowly the skin absorbs the oil and after 30 minutes the ring is removed and remaining oil is massaged over the affected area. This treatment not only relieves painful areas that are being treated, it will help with stiffness and also enhances blood circulation. There are different types of vasti. For example- Kati (Lower back) Vasti, Greeva(Neck region) Vasti, Janu(Knee) Vasti, Nabhi(Umbilical region ) Vasti and Uro(Chest region) Vasti.
Benefits of Kati Vasti Treatment
Effective for Chronic Back pain, Intervertebral disc prolapse and Lumber Spondylitis Relieves the pain due to Osteoarthritis of the back bone
Helps in maintaining the curve of the spine
Benefits of Greeva Vasti
Release from uneasiness in the neck and shoulders
Relief from swelling
Help with stiffness of neck and improves flexibility
Benefits of Janu Vasti
Releases discomfort from the knee joins
Releases stiffness in the knee joints
It helps in soothing the nerves around the knee joint and the nearby areas
Benefits of Nabi vasti
Helps in balancing the digestive fire
Favourable for situations like irritable bowel movement, flatulence, constipation, etc.
Benefits of Uro Vasti
Helps remove chest congestion
Breathing is improved
Stengthens cardiac muscles

Contact for bookings and prices
Candida Valentino at or 07837074505
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