Tashi Lhunpo Monks, Michael, Candida Blackmoon1348  tour 2017

Michael and Candida were invited Jane Rasch of the Tashi Lhunpo Monasttery UK Trust to perform with the monks and Blackmoon 1348 to collaborate on their tour. With concerts at Tribal Earth, Into the Wild, Stoke Newington Old church, Frome HubNub and a final concert organised by Alternatives at St James’ Church Piccadilly.
They created a unique evening of sacred Tibetan chants and mantras, the sound of the dungchen (Tibetan Longhorn) Gyaling (Tibetan Oboe) and percussive ritual instruments with Michael & Candida’s Mongolian overtone/undertone singing, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Symphonic Gongs and BlackMoon1348’s deep bass drones and Sub-Harmonic throat singing.
Most of the photos are courtesy of John Cloake and still from James Murray-White‘s filming.