Spiral Arts dance Theatre Company

Candida and Michael have had the pleasure to work with this exciting company founded by Bryony Williams and long time associate Directors, Elizabeth Blake and David Home.

Their work Allows imagination to find real expression through the body. Aids awareness of the natural world and connection to it. Creates more energy without exhaustion, with less risk of injury or strain. Taps into and gives space for individual creativity Helps integration and communication with other artists Allows movement to flow easily and organically through the body, cutting through blocks and tensions often found when technique is imposed. Creates a sense of joy and well being. Honours dance as an unique, expressive art-form.
Collaborations included
2004 Alternatives at St James Piccadilly, London.
2002 – ‘Maelstrom’ Performed at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Brighton.
2001 – Performance as guest artists of Michael Ormiston (Europe’s leading khoomii/overtone singer) at St Pancras Old Church and St. James’ Piccadilly.
2001 – ‘The Bambu Monks and Nuns’ A site specific work performed at The Eden Project, Cornwall over a two day period (including workshop).
2001 Mysterious Tremendum Concert, Don Conreaux, Aidan McKintyre, Michael Ormiston, Candida Valentino, Eddy Sayer, Bryony Williams.
2001 Glastonbury International Dance Festival
2001 Gaunts House Summer Gathering