Harmonic Overtone choir workshop

Harmonic/Overtone Choir Workshop/Evening Classes Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino

Michael & Candida will teach the techniques and methods of Harmonic Overtone Singing,
Harmonic Tuning, Overtone Melodies, Harmonic Chords, Undertone Singing,
Harmonic Sound Baths and Syntonic Harmonic Resonance.
All that you need to create your own Harmonic/Overtone Choir.
The sessions are open to anyone who has had some experience singing overtones.
For more information and Booking them Contact Michael ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com
Candida candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk or 07837074505
For more information and Booking please contact Michael at ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com
Candida candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk or 07837074505
Candida's Facebook page
Candida's Instagram page
Candida's LinkedIn page
Michael & Candida are the UK’s most experienced Mongolian Khöömii (overtone) singers. They travelled to Mongolia & studied with Khöömii singers Tserendavaa, Gereltosgt, Tsogtbataar & Tsengedorj. Michael has been composing music for overtone choirs since 1993 and in 2011 was commissioned to create music for a Turku Harmonic Choir as part of the Colourscape in Finland.