Tibetan Singing Bowl Workshop June 10th 2023

Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowl Workshop

Facilitated by Michael Ormiston & Candida Valentino
10:30am – 4:30pm Sunday 13th April 2025
At The Open Ealing Arts Centre, Unit 14, School Lane, Dickens Yard, Ealing London W5 2TD.

This inspirational and informative workshop will be an experiential journey through the amazing sounds of Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls, their history and use in meditation/relaxation, deep listening and Therapeutic practices.

Attendees will learn many techniques of making the bowls ‘sing’ in a relaxed & friendly environment through the expertise of the teachers. Please bring your own bowls (not compulsory).

Michael & Candida have been playing and studying the bowls for over 30 years. They have played for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as well as the Tibet Foundation and the Tibet House Trust. Over the years they have performed in concert with Tibetologist Alain Presencer, Gongmaster Don Conreaux and Frank Perry. They have been leading meditations and sound journeys using Singing Bowls ever since the Venerable Khamba Lam Choijampts, the head Abbot of Gandan monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia heard Michael playing. On hearing the bowls the Khamba Lam said they were to be used for meditation.

Michael has been using Singing Bowls in SEND schools, the immersive Colourscape structure, care home for people with dementia,
residential homes for people with mental health issues and for therapeutic sound massage sessions.

For more information and to book please contact Michael ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com
or Candida candidavalentino@yahoo.co.uk or 07837074505