Michael Ormiston Colourscape Workshop Leader
Michael has been the Colourscape/Eye Music main workshop leader for over 15 years.
He has run numerous music sessions for SEN (Special Educational Needs) Schools in the Colourscape Structure, In Class rooms/halls and outside. Michael’s collection of sensory musical instruments include Tibetan/Himalayan singing bowls. Wind Gongs, Ocean Drums, Hanging and Meditation Chimes.
At the Colourscape Festivals in Waddesden and Watford Michael runs ad-hoc workshops while performing for 3 to 100 year olds! These include what is overtone singing, What are Tibetan SInging Bowls, How to play the Mbira (Thumb Piano), group music sessions…..
At the annual Clapham Colourscape festival Michael runs workshops with Listening Games, Percussion and more for Schools from reception year to adult education.
He ran musical encounters with the Colourscape Dementia and Care Home project encourages the participation of residents and carers to great succsess.
“The Elements” For pre-school (3 to 5) children. Attendees learn about music and listening by creating a live sound painting using the big green copying machine (Looper)
“Painting Sound, Singing Colour”. In collaboration with an artist. This workshop investigates the intersection of colour and sound. Sound Maps and Colour Scores are created to allow the attendees to delve into core musical and painting skills.
If you are interested inbooking Michael please contact him at ormi_khoomii@yahoo.com