Colourscape Sound Journeys

Colourscape Sound Journeys Volume 2 : Michael Ormiston

Harmonic Temple : Esraj (Indian Bowed Instrument) Overtone/Undertone/Mongolian Khöömii Overtone                        
Singing/Choir  18’00”
Stillness in Flight : Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls : Hulusi (Free metal reed gourd clarinet) 20’14”
Buyant Gol/Honin Joroo Mor’/Wish Fulfilling Blessing : Two traditional Mongolian Melodies sung in Mongolian Khöömii (Overtone/Undetone) Singing & an original composition. With C. Valentino :  Voice and Frame
Drums 4’24”
Earth Calls :  Morin Khuur (Mongolian Horse Hair Fiddle) 15’49”
Most of these pieces were performed live using various looping devices. They were inspired by the improvisaions Michael plays in the amazing Colourscape Structures. The sound journeys are intuitive explorations of slowly shifting tone colours and textures reflecting the colourscape environment. Michael is fascinated with the rich harmonic and visceral qualities of acoustic instruments. This is most deeply expressed with his Khöömii Overtone Singing of which he has studied in Mongolia since 1993. 
Recorded 13th-15th  April 2018 Vallis Vale Studios
Thanks to Peter Jones, Lynne Dickens, Simon Desorgher, Lawrence Casserley, Iz, the Colourscape Crew and espescially Candida.