Extracts from Kalaripayat and Traditional Indian Medicine
“The patient receives a deep massage with oils that bring a feeling of lightness to the body. The application of oil maintains the elasticity of body tissue and protects them from dehydration. According to the surgeon Sushruta, someone who has an oil treatment regularly will be less affected by difficult work or by accidental injury (sprain or fracture). He recommends an oil treatment every day since is maintains good nutrition of the tissues, brightens the complexion, strengthens the body, relieves fatigue, improves vision and sleep , slows ageing and prolongs life.”
About the massage technique
“Kalaripayat has developed a unique system of massage using the feet called uzhichil. Holding ropes attached to the ceiling or walls, the masseur/se is better able to control the pressure of his feet on the body of the patient who is stretched out on the floor/mat
The masters say that “Paradoxically one is gentler with the feet because they are stronger. In all physical exercise, one must never engage with all one’s strength, but only use half of one’s strength”. The foot method is used with anyone from 14 upwards , hand are used for younger, very old and fragile , or someone who is ill.